My research interests are in geometry, topology, and dynamical
systems. More specifically, I am interested in geodesic flows,
geometric structures on manifolds, Hilbert geometries,
convex projective structures,
Patterson-Sullivan theory, ergodic theory, thermodynamic formalism,
symbolic dynamics, (nonuniformly) hyperbolic dynamical systems, and
(rel) hyperbolic spaces and groups.
I have also studied the Thurston set and Thurston Master Teapot.
Check out my collaborator Giulio Tiozzo's
visualizations of the Master Teapot.
Here is a Quanta
article on the Thurston set and related topics.
Here are pictures of objects I've studied, made by my
students: [Thurston's master teapot] [the Thurston set] [deformations of convex projective
triangle groups] [Benoist
Preprints and Papers
- Constructing reducibly geometrically finite subgroups of the mapping class group.
Joint with
Tarik Aougab, Spencer Dowdall, Hannah Hoganson,
Sara Maloni, and Brandis Whitfield
- A global shadow lemma and logarithm law for geometrically
finite Hilbert geometries.
Joint with
Giulio Tiozzo
[lecture notes on Khinchin
theorem and logarithm law]
Pressure metrics for cusped Hitchin components.
Advances in Mathematics (2023) Volume 435, 109352
Joint with Dick
Canary, Nyima Kao,
and Giuseppe Martone.
Counting, equidistribution and entropy gaps at infinity with
applications to cusped Hitchin representations.
Joint with Dick
Canary, Nyima Kao,
and Giuseppe Martone.
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles
Journal), vol. 2022, no. 791, 2022, pp. 1-51.
- Entropy rigidity for finite volume strictly convex projective manifolds.
Joint with Dave Constantine
Geometrie Dedicata (2021) Volume 214, 543-557
- Pressure metrics for deformation spaces of quasifuchsian groups with parabolics.
Joint with Dick
Canary and Nyima Kao
accepted at Algebraic & Geometric Topology
- The Shape of Thurston's Master Teapot.
Joint with Diana
Davis, Kathryn
Lindsey, and Chenxi Wu
Advances in Mathematics (2021) Volume 377, 107481
- Ergodicity of Bowen-Margulis measure for the Benoist 3-manifolds.
Journal of Modern Dynamics (2020) Volume 16, 305–329
- Geodesic flow of nonstrictly convex Hilbert geometries.
Annales de l’Institut Fourier (2020) Volume 70: 4 1563-1593
- Entropy rigidity and Hilbert volume.
Joint with Ilesanmi
Adeboye and Dave Constantine
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A (2019) no. 39(4): 1731-1744. doi: 10.3934\/dcds.2019075.
[journal] [arXiv]